Creating space for radical hospitality.

ten:eighteen is a ministry of Christ City Church that exists to walk alongside and support the needs of the working poor, single parents, refugee claimants, refugees, and anyone going through a tough time in our communities. 

What ten:eighteen provides: 

  1. Friendship and Community Support: A place to belong and people with whom to connect when feeling lonely, isolated or disconnected.
  2. Support with Food and Household Supplies: High-quality food, hygiene products and other household supplies.
  3. Connection to Additional Resources: Receive help finding other essential resources you and your family need.

The length and amount of support will be based on the specific needs of the person/family requesting support.  

How to receive support: 

  1. Apply online either through our Support Request Form or by emailing
  2. Join us in person on our ten:eighteen Saturday Mornings, and a member of our Welcome Team will help you to apply and explain what ten:eighteen is all about. 

ten:eighteen Saturday Mornings 

Come and enjoy a free coffee, a snack, and bread in a welcoming environment and find out how to apply to receive support.

The first time you arrive, a member of our welcome team will explain the support available through ten:eighteen and connect you to our community.

Date: : Please check our events page for the most up-to-date info about upcoming ten:eighteen Saturday Mornings dates. 

Time: 10:00 A.M. – 12:00 P.M. 

There is no need to register. Just come and join us. We look forward to meeting you.

About ten:eighteen

ten:eighteen is a ministry of Christ City Church that has been created as a response to Deuteronomy 10:18 (“He executes justice for the fatherless and the widow, and loves the sojourner, giving him food and clothing.”). 

The first priority of ten:eighteen is to connect personally with anyone in our communities who feels lonely and disconnected. We fulfill this call by facilitating spaces like our Saturday Mornings where people can build personal relationships and experience radical hospitality. 

Our relational approach, however, does not overlook our neighbours’ tangible and more practical needs. Consequently, our second priority is to offer practical support through food, household items and connection to additional resources.

Here are some potential opportunities for you to serve alongside us.

Serving with ten:eighteen

Core Teams:

These teams are needed to facilitate our weekly space on Saturday mornings.

  • Cooking Team

    Number of people needed: 14 

    General: As with most things in life, we learn by doing and practicing. Indeed, hands-on experience is the most effective way of learning things in a ministry like ten: eighteen. However, a written volunteer job description helps orient volunteers seeking to serve. The Cooking team carries out the important role of preparing the food and drinks offered to ten: eighteen’s participants and volunteers. Shape your own cooking team or join a team.


    • You love to cook and feed people.
    • Cooking food for a group of at least 30 people.
    • Assisting with food preparation and storing ingredients.
    • Washing, chopping, and shredding ingredients. 
    • Becoming familiar with our kitchen setting and the place where everything is.
    • Becoming familiar with how to use the stove, oven etc.
    • Ensure that the kitchen and storage areas remain clean.
    • Willing to work together with other people cooperatively and respectfully.
    • Committed to interacting with other people in a way that is personal and dignifying to them.

    Work Location: 5887 Prince Edward Street, offsite, from home, etc.

    Time Commitment: Very flexible, to be discussed with Yohan. If you are willing and available, you will be more than welcome to join us one or two monthly Saturdays from 11.30 AM to 12.30 PM at lunchtime.

    Training: Yohan will provide or facilitate the appropriate training associated with this role.

    Others: This role is very flexible and can typically be worked in the church building, from home, or at your chosen location.

    Support: In addition to providing the training required for this role, Yohan will also ensure that each team member receives emotional support, encouragement, and pastoral care. Yohan will love to build and strengthen personal relationships with each team member and walk alongside each person in their journey as the missional people of God.

    Age Requirement: None.

  • Clean Up Team

    Number of people needed: 12 

    General: As with most things in life, we learn by doing and practicing. However, a written volunteer job description helps orient volunteers seeking to serve. The Clean Up Team carries out the important role of cleaning up at the end of the day.

    TEAM 1: 

    • Rinse and wash large pots and dishes used during lunch that does not fit in the dishwasher.
    • Ensure dirty dishes and utensils that fit in the dishwasher are placed inside the dishwasher.
    • Put a detergent pill in the dishwasher and turn it on.
    • Ensure that the kitchen is left clean at the end of the day.
    • Willing to work together with other people cooperatively and respectfully.
    • Committed to interacting with other people in a way that is personal and dignifying to them.

    TEAM 2

    • Wipe the round and rectangular tables.
    • Place the round and rectangular tables in the storage room.
    • Stack the chairs and place them in their storage location.
    • Bring the computer and sign from the welcome Table upstairs.

    Work Location: 5887 Prince Edward Street.

    Time Commitment: Very flexible, to be discussed with Yohan. One or two monthly Saturdays from 12.30 PM to 1.30 PM. To join us for lunch, please arrive no later than 11:30 AM.

  • Welcome Team

    Number of people needed: 4 (at least one person from each neighbourhood church)

    General: As with most things in life, we learn by doing and practicing. Indeed, hands-on experience is the most effective way of learning things in a ministry like ten: eighteen. However, a written volunteer job description is helpful to orient volunteers seeking to serve. The Welcome Team is vital in assessing the needs of people who are interested or in need of what ten: eighteen offers. The importance of your role is invaluable, requiring you to balance discernment and compassion in every situation carefully.


    • You are a good listener or do your best to listen well.
    • You know how to empathize with people struggling or going through a tough time.
    • You show great awareness of the cultural diversity of our city.
    • You are patient when listening to people with limited English language skills.
    • You are fully committed to interacting with new people in a way that is personal and dignifying to them.
    • You are comfortable interacting with people who speak and act like someone who is not a Christian.
    • Fully committed to equally welcoming people from every ethnicity, religion, and cultural background.
    • You are committed to not sharing confidential and sensitive information.
    • You have access to a computer where you can read emails.


    Work Location: Offsite, from home, coffee shop, etc.

    Time Commitment: Very Flexible, to be discussed with Yohan.

    Training: Yohan will provide or facilitate the appropriate training associated with this role.

    Others: This role is typically worked offsite at your chosen location.

    Support: This team works closely with Yohan; in most cases, he will assist the team through the assessment and decision-making process. Yohan will also ensure that each team member receives emotional support, encouragement, and pastoral care. Yohan will love to build and strengthen personal relationships with each team member and walk alongside each person in their journey as the missional people of God.

    Age Requirement: None.

  • Greeter Team

    Number of people needed: 2 to 4

    General: When it comes to a ministry like ten: eighteen hands-on experience is the most effective way of learning things. However, a written volunteer job description is helpful to orient the volunteers by providing them with some guidance. Greeters give visitors, outsiders, and strangers a first impression of who we are as a community. Their role is crucial, especially for people visiting us for the first time. Greeters ensure people feel welcome and are greeted with courtesy and respect.


    • Fully committed to equally welcoming people from every ethnicity, religion, and cultural background.
    • Comfortable around people who act, speak and dress like someone who is not a Christian.
    • Not to look down on people or make participants feel as if they were inferior or less than those serving.
    • Being comfortable around strangers makes them feel welcome in a new environment.
    • Willing to work together with another person cooperatively and respectfully.
    • Show courtesy and respect when interacting with other people, especially those who are new or visiting.


    Work Location: 5887 Prince Edward Street

    Time Commitment: One or two monthly Saturdays from 9.30 AM to 10.30 AM.

    Training: Yohan will provide or facilitate the appropriate training associated with this role.

    Others: This job is typically worked indoors, but sometimes, if the weather allows, greeters may choose to work outside.

    Support: In addition to providing the training required for this role, Yohan will also ensure that each team member receives emotional support, encouragement, and pastoral care. Yohan will love to build and strengthen personal relationships with each team member and walk alongside each person in their journey as the missional people of God.

    Age Requirement: None.

  • Merchandise Team

    Number of people needed: 6

    General: When it comes to a ministry like ten: eighteen, hands-on experience is the most effective way of learning things. However, a written volunteer job description is helpful to orient volunteers seeking to serve. The Merchandise Team carries out the important role of handling the merchandise and other items offered to ten: eighteen participants.


    • Assist with the pick-up and bagging of the merchandise.
    • Become familiar with the merchandise that is offered every week.
    • Sort merchandise and place it on shelves, bins, or storage.
    • Assist with the unloading of deliveries.
    • Willingness to work together with another person cooperatively and respectfully.
    • Show courtesy and respect when interacting with other people, especially those who are new or visiting.
    • Fully committed to interacting with people in a way that is personal and dignifying to them.


    Work Location: 5887 Prince Edward Street, Offsite.

    Time Commitment: Two monthly Saturdays from 9.30 AM to 11 AM. However, this time window can also be flexible; for more details, please contact Yohan.

    Training: Yohan will provide or facilitate the appropriate training associated with this role.

    Others: These roles are typically worked indoors.

    Support: In addition to providing the training required for this role, Yohan will also ensure that each team member receives emotional support, encouragement, and pastoral care. Yohan will love to build and strengthen personal relationships with each team member and walk alongside each person in their journey as the missional people of God.

    Age Requirement: None.

  • Donations Team

    Number of people needed: 4 (at least one person from each neighbourhood church)

    General: When it comes to a ministry like ten: eighteen, hands-on experience is the most effective way of learning things. However, a written volunteer job description is helpful to orient volunteers seeking to serve. The Donations Team carries out the important role of handling donated items that will be offered to ten: eighteen participants.


    • Willing to ask and seek donations of used clothes and specific household items.
    • Receive and sort clothing and specific household items.
    • Know when it is better not to accept specific clothing or household items.
    • Willingness to work alongside another person.
    • Sort donated items and place them on shelves, bins, or storage.
    • Fully committed to interacting with people in a way that is personal and dignifying to them.


    Work Location: 5887 Prince Edward Street, offsite, from home, etc.

    Time Commitment: Flexible, to be discussed with Yohan.

    Training: Yohan will provide or facilitate the appropriate training associated with this role.

    Others: These roles are typically worked offsite at your chosen location.

    Support: In addition to providing the training required for this role, Yohan will also ensure that each team member receives emotional support, encouragement, and pastoral care. Yohan will love to build and strengthen personal relationships with each team member and walk alongside each person in their journey as the missional people of God.

    Age Requirement: None.

  • Icebreaker Team

    Number of people needed: 6

    General: When it comes to a ministry like ten: eighteen, hands-on experience is the most effective way of learning things. However, a written volunteer job description is helpful to orient volunteers seeking to serve. The Icebreaker Team takes the often risky and hard work of starting a conversation with someone they do not know or just met. Your role is vital in creating that long-lasting impression that we are a community that cares deeply about people, especially those new to our community.


    • Willing to start a conversation with someone you do not know.
    • You do your best to make new people feel comfortable around you.
    • Listen well when other people talk, even when people may speak slowly.
    • Patience and understanding towards people with limited English language skills.
    • Demonstrate in your conversation that you are not seeking information but a personal connection.
    • You are comfortable around people unlike yourself and enjoy conversing with them.
    • You know how to show empathy and be sensitive to someone who is suffering or going through a difficult time.
    • You are a highly relational person whose words and actions show a high view of personal relationships.
    • Willingness to love those who may seem unlovable or unwilling to be loved at first sight.
    • Fully committed to equally welcoming people from every ethnicity, religion, and cultural background.
    • Not to look down on people or make participants feel as if they were inferior or less than those serving.


    Work Location: 5887 Prince Edward Street.

    Time Commitment: Three-time different windows to choose from:

    • Two Saturdays per month from 9.30 AM to 11.00 AM OR
    • Two Saturdays per month from 11 AM to 12.30 PM OR
    • Two Saturdays per month from 9.30 AM to 12.30 PM

    Training: Yohan will provide or facilitate the appropriate training associated with this role.

    Others: This job is typically worked indoors.

    Support: In addition to providing the training required for this role, Yohan will also ensure that each team member receives emotional support, encouragement, and pastoral care. Yohan will love to build and strengthen personal relationships with each team member and walk alongside each person in their journey as the missional people of God.

    Age Requirement: None.

  • Bread Pick-Up Team

    Number of people needed: 4

    General: The Bread Pick-Up Team carries out the vital task of picking bread at a designated location and then dropping it off at the church. If available, you will be more than welcome to help bag the bread and bring leftover bread to specific destinations.


    • Assist with the pick-up and bagging of the bread.
    • Unloading bags full of bread.
    • Place the bread in bins and tables.
    • Bring leftover bread to designated destinations.
    • Ensure that the kitchen and storage areas remain clean.
    • Willing to work together with other people cooperatively and respectfully.
    • Committed to interacting with other people in a way that is personal and dignifying to them.
    • Fully committed to equally welcoming people from every ethnicity, religion, and cultural background.


    Work Location: 5887 Prince Edward Street, offsite.

    Time Commitment: Very flexible, to be discussed with Yohan. If you are available, you can help bag the bread between 8.30 and 9.30 AM one or two Saturdays per month OR sometime during the day on Friday.

    Training: Yohan will provide or facilitate the appropriate training associated with this role.

    Others: This role requires access to a vehicle and driving, but other than that, it is very flexible.

    Support: In addition to providing the training required for this role, Yohan will also ensure that each team member receives emotional support, encouragement, and pastoral care. Yohan will love to build and strengthen personal relationships with each team member and walk alongside each person in their journey as the missional people of God.

    Age Requirement: None.

Other Teams:

These teams will be needed as ten:eighteen grows and expands.

  • Prayer Team

    Number of people needed: 10 (at least two people from each neighbourhood church)

    General: The prayer team upholds in prayer the ten: eighteen ministry, its participants, volunteers, and leaders. This team carries out the often-neglected role of empowering and inspiring people in their prayer life.


    • Receive and pray for concerns and requests that people may have.
    • Be available to pray with someone if the need arises.
    • Keep in prayer the various ministry teams of ten: eighteen.
    • Provide a prayer shield for the leaders.
    • Pray for and encourage the team members.
    • Maintain confidentiality about sensitive prayer requests/issues.
    • Continue seeking the Lord’s direction as needs arise.


    Work Location: Offsite, from home.

    Time Commitment: Very flexible, to be discussed with Yohan.

    Training: Yohan will provide or facilitate the appropriate training associated with this role.

    Others: This job is typically worked indoors.

    Support: In addition to providing the training required for this role, Yohan will also ensure that each team member receives emotional support, encouragement, and pastoral care. Yohan will love to build and strengthen personal relationships with each team member and walk alongside each person in their journey as the missional people of God.

    Age Requirement: None.

  • Visitation Team

    Number of people needed: 6 (at least one person from each neighbourhood church)

    General: When it comes to a ministry like ten: eighteen, hands-on experience is the most effective way of learning things. However, a written volunteer job description is helpful to orient volunteers seeking to serve. The Visitation Team provides regular visitation to people suffering from health concerns, physical limitations, or unexpected life events. Your role is critical in creating that first and ongoing image that you are part of a community that cares deeply about others, especially those outside your church community.


    • Arrange one-on-one visits and connect with people in our neighbourhoods who feel lonely and disconnected.
    • Follow up with people who need ongoing emotional support and companionship.
    • Write notes of encouragement and support to people with limited listening skills.
    • Make phone calls to connect with people who need support.
    • Listen well when other people talk, even when people may speak slowly.
    • Patience and understanding towards people with limited English language skills.
    • You are comfortable around people unlike yourself and enjoy conversing with them.
    • You show in your conversation style that you are not primarily seeking information about a person but a personal and supportive relationship with that person.
    • You know how to show empathy towards someone suffering or going through a difficult time.


    Work Location: Offsite, from home.

    Time Commitment: Very flexible, to be discussed with Yohan.

    Training: Yohan will provide or facilitate the appropriate training associated with this role.

    Others: This job is typically worked indoors.

    Support: In addition to providing the training required for this role, Yohan will also ensure that each team member receives emotional support, encouragement, and pastoral care. Yohan will love to build and strengthen personal relationships with each team member and walk alongside each person in their journey as the missional people of God.

    Age Requirement: None.

  • Community Connections Team

    Number of people needed: 4

    General: When it comes to a ministry like ten: eighteen, hands-on experience is the most effective way of learning things. However, a written volunteer job description is helpful to orient volunteers seeking to serve. The Community Connections Team connects people to additional and specific resources available in their local communities.


    • Assist people in finding healthcare resources and medical offices.
    • Connect people with agencies and community organizations that provide specific support.
    • Assist people in filling out applications.
    • Walk alongside people struggling to find housing or employment.
    • Help people search for housing on Craigslist, Marketplace and other online platforms.
    • Accompany people to a doctor’s appointment.
    • Listen well when other people talk, even when people may speak slowly.
    • Show patience and empathy towards people with limited English language skills.
    • Show empathy towards someone who is going through a difficult time.
    • Fully committed to equally welcoming people from every ethnicity, religion, and cultural background.


    Work Location: Offsite.

    Time Commitment: Very flexible to be discussed with Yohan.

    Training: Yohan will provide or facilitate the appropriate training associated with this role.

    Support: In addition to providing the training required for this role, Yohan will also ensure that each team member receives emotional support, encouragement, and pastoral care. Yohan will love to build and strengthen personal relationships with each team member and walk alongside each person in their journey as the missional people of God.

    Age Requirement: None.

  • First Steps in Canada Team

    Number of people needed: 4

    General: When it comes to a ministry like ten: eighteen, hands-on experience is the most effective way of learning things. However, a written volunteer job description is helpful to orient volunteers seeking to serve. The First Steps in Canada Team walks alongside people who are new to Canada. A willingness to connect with these people in a personal and relational way is essential as people start a new journey in Canada.


    • Help people understand the public transit system.
    • Help people open a bank account.
    • Help people to become familiar with grocery markets in the area.
    • Help families to get in touch with their child’s catchment school.
    • Help people to apply for affordable housing.
    • Help people to find a family doctor or a walk-in medical clinic in their area.
    • Walk alongside people who are feeling lonely, discouraged, and disconnected.
    • Connect people with community organizations that provide specific types of support.
    • Show patience and understanding towards people with limited English language skills.
    • You know how to empathize with someone going through a difficult time.
    • Fully committed to equally welcoming people from every ethnicity, religion, and cultural background.
    • You are fully committed to interacting with new people in a way that is personal and dignifying to them.
    • Not to look down on people or make participants feel as if they were inferior or less than those serving.


    Work Location: Offsite.

    Time Commitment: Very flexible to be discussed with Yohan.

    Training: Yohan will provide or facilitate the appropriate training associated with this role.

    Support: In addition to providing the training required for this role, Yohan will also ensure that each team member receives emotional support, encouragement, and pastoral care. Yohan will love to build and strengthen personal relationships with each team member and walk alongside each person in their journey as the missional people of God.

    Age Requirement: None.

For more information about ten:eighteen, email