Inductive study for women who want to know God. 

At Christ City Church, we are women who want to know God. And what a fortunate thing it is that God desires for us to know Him. In His wisdom He inspired the Scriptures to be written in order to reveal His character and deeds to us. God wants to be known, and he has revealed himself through the words in the Bible. If we want to know God, we need to be people who read his word. 

To see what we are currently studying, head to our Events page where you will find information and registration.

  • Why study the Bible?

    Understanding God through his word is a basic requirement for growth in the Christian life. While there are many aspects of growing in our relationship with God, they are all based on the foundation of who he has revealed himself to be in the Bible.

    What a gift that we have preachers and teachers who can help explain the Bible to us, and who help us to know God. But this good gift does not replace the need for individual Christians to be able to open up their Bibles and understand what they are reading.

    Women who study God’s word will more and more become women who*:

    • know their God (Jeremiah 9:23—24)
    • know God’s will (Matthew 22:37-40)
    • become Godly (2 Timothy 3:16)
    • bear much fruit (2 Timothy 3:17)
    • are able to resist temptation (Ephesians 6:17)
    • have passion and endurance in prayer (1 John 5:14-15)
    • have much joy (Psalm 119:162)

    * Tim Challies reference

  • What is inductive Bible study? 

    Inductive Bible Study is a method that helps us study Scripture well. It helps to slow us down and notice what is written so that we can have a better understanding of what it says and what it means. There are three basic aspects of “investigating” any section of Scripture:

    • Observation – what does it say
    • Interpretation – what does it mean
    • Application – what does that mean for us today

  • What does the weekly rhythm of Bible study look like?

    There are two aspects of our weekly study rhythm:

    AT HOME:


    • Slowing down and paying careful attention to what is written helps us notice what we are reading so we can understand it better.


    • Each passage has themes and references that connect it to other place in the Bible. It’s incredible to see how the whole Bible fits together. This will help us make interpretations and understand more clearly what the passage means when we come together.


    • Knowledge of God and his Word should shape our minds, hearts, lives, and worship. Make time every week to allow the scripture you’ve studied to shape what you think and pray about.


    Each week as we get together, we will:

    • read the scripture
    • discuss our observations of the passage in a small group
    • hear live preaching to help us interpret what it means
    • apply the passage to our lives through discussion and prayer in our small groups

Further Resources

Listen to a conversation with Kendra Gerbrandt and Andy Steiger on the Apologetics Canada Podcast discussing how to read and study the Bible: Part 1 / Part 2

Read Kendra’s article called “Why is reading the Bible so HARD?“, 8 reasons why we struggle to read God’s Word.