The Centre of our Community

Urban Chapel is centred on the person and work of Jesus Christ. Therefore, the guiding authority of in faith and life is found in the Bible.   

The Posture of our Community

Our posture is open and intentionally directed towards the other. Practically this means we are available  to one another and live in proximity  to one another. 

This results in a community of:  

a. Welcome. 

b. Hospitality. 

c. Humility.  

d. Safety.  

e. Sacrifice.  

Our actions in community

Our actions are expressed in the open table of welcome. We recognize that for many people, they need to belong before they believe.

Therefore, we intentionally:  

a. Recognize the intrinsic value and worth of everyone, as people who are created in the image of God.  

b. Extend the arm of friendship to all who come.  

c. Foster a community of sacrificial love.