Mar 23

What Can I Expect from Bible Study?

News by Jake LeFave

As we’ve been discussing as a church for the past few weeks, in the Fall of 2025 we’ll be undergoing some change to our weekly rhythms of discipleship as a church; moving from weekly Community Groups to weekly Men’s and Women’s Bible Study. Several of you have asked what you can expect from Bible Study in the Fall. Below I’ve tried answering the most frequently asked questions to help you prepare, in your heart and mind, for these changes.

When (and where) will Men’s and Women’s Bible Studies meet?

Currently, the plan is for the Women’s Bible Study to join the ongoing study that happens at Christ City South Vancouver (5887 Prince Edward St.) on Tuesday mornings (9:30-11:30am) and Wednesday Evenings (7:00-9:00pm). Jodi Ekk gives leadership to this study, but women from East Vancouver attend both studies so you’ll be placed in a group with other women from our local church. While we’ve yet to confirm a location for Men’s Bible Study, we’ll host it on Tuesday nights from 7-9pm.

What will we be studying?

We’re excited to announce that in the Fall we’ll be walking through the book of Numbers! While Numbers might not naturally peak your interest, there are a number (see what I did there) of timely lessons and principals that are extremely pertinent to our walk with Christ in 2025 and beyond. The Hebrew title for Numbers is ‘In The Wilderness…’, and together we’ll explore what it means to stay faithful to Jesus (and one another) in these ‘wilderness’ years.

Where do you get the study from?

This Numbers study is coming from our friends at Northview Community Church. The awesome team there has been so generous to share this study and a number of other studies with us throughout the years. 

How much prep time will this require of me each week?

Prep time differs for each individual based on previous bible knowledge and experience. That said, on average, you can expect to spend three hours each week doing the assigned homework. One of the many advantages to doing the homework ahead of time is that everyone comes with something to say. Instead of being required to think of a question ‘on the spot’, the Bible Study format gives space for prolonged reflection. The result? Rich conversation that is based on God’s Word.

What is the format for the Bible Study?

While the Men’s Bible Study is still confirming it’s format, it will likely follow closely the format currently being used by the Women’s Bible Study that looks like…

  • Reading Assigned Passage
  • Table Discussion with Homework Questions
  • Break
  • Teaching Time
  • Application Questions at Tables
  • Prayer with prompts on the screen

How do you choose who is in what table group?

For the Women’s Bible Study, Jodi and the team do not assign table groups. While women are welcome to switch tables throughout the term, typically women tend to stick with the same group throughout the year. 

For Men’s Bible Study we’re still considering whether or not to assign men to groups ahead of time or not. Stay tuned.

Will it be all study? 

Hopefully you can tell from the format breakdown above that both our Men’s and Women’s Bible Studies aim to impact, not just the head, but the heart and the hands as well. In fact, one of our core convictions about Bible teaching is that the Bible is only truly being taught when it leads to change in our lives (even if that change is “only” greater worship). 

To help you think think through our aim for Bible Study, consider the four categories of growth, all conveniently beginning with ‘c’:

  • Content
  • Connection
  • Care
  • Commission

I think these four categories helpfully summarize the areas wherein each disciple of Jesus is required to grow. Content is our engagement with God’s Word, historic doctrines of the church, and other teaching. Connection refers to the loving relationship we are to foster among one another. Care refers to the opportunities to, either through prayer or some other tangible mean, support one another in our discipleship journey. And commission speaks to the task before each Christian, as we say at Christ City, “to make missional disciples for the sake of the neighbourhood.”

While Bible Study will emphasis content and connection over care and commission, it also seeks to be a ‘middle-way’ between Community Groups (high connection, care, commission, lower content) and a more intensive study like the current Men’s Discipleship Program (high content, lower commission). 

At this time in the life of our church an increased focus on content and connection is needed as we grow into more mature disciples of Jesus.

Is there a cost?

A cost of $8 helps us cover some of the expenses of running this ministry. If you are not able to afford the registration, we are happy to cover it so that you can study with us.

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