
Wanted: Deacon of Hospitality

Reports to

Christ City East Vancouver Elders


Until the Elders deem the role to be no longer necessary, or the Deacon is no longer fit for the designation of Deacon, or the Deacon chooses to step aside from their role.


To see the gathered people of God at Christ City East Vancouver increasingly reflect the radical hospitality of God’s kingdom through a variety of practical expressions of God’s grace to further the mission to make missional disciples for the sake of the neighbourhood.


This deacon would oversee two areas of ‘hospitality’ in our church:

  1. Sunday morning hospitality. The deacon would ensure that all areas of hospitality ministry are caried out with skill and grace by providing oversight, and giving direction to the Christ City hospitality ministry as it pertains to regular church gatherings and events, including: café team, welcome team, host team, usher team, connect team, and meals/refreshments for meetings and special events. To be clear, the Deacon would not replace the Team Leaders for each of these teams, rather, they would support Team Leaders and help ensure the overall vision of hospitality is executed.
  1. ‘In our homes’ hospitality. In conversation with the Elders, the Deacon of Hospitality would give thought to how we can be a more ‘hospitable’ church through the regular opening of our homes and our lives. 

While the Deacon of Fun would be tasked with planning 3-4 strategic events a year, the Deacon of Hospitality looks to creating a wider cultural shift in our church as he or she diagnoses the underlying forces working against us being a hospitable people. As such, this is a very pastoral role. The ideal candidate should be someone who has thought deeply about what ‘biblical hospitality’ is, and how we might be able to learn from other churches (both old ones and new ones) about creating an environment where people feel truly welcomed. 

If you’re curious to learn more about the required qualifications for Deacons and learn more about their role in the church, we’d encourage you to look at our article here.

If you’d like to apply to be considered for this role (or think you know of someone who should be considered), email

In Christ,
