
God has been so faithful to provide for the needs of Christ City Youth year after year, and it’s important to take a moment to pause and give thanks for what He’s doing in and through this ministry.

In Philippians 4, Paul speaks to the church about God’s provision. He speaks of being content in all situations, having learned to do all things through God who strengthens him. Nonetheless, in verse 19, Paul tells the church with certainty, “And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.”

Paul doesn’t mean that the Philippians will always get exactly what they want exactly when they want it, but rather that God will provide for their changing needs in each and every season.

This has been my own experience of God’s provision. He has been faithful to place a call on the hearts of those in His church to step forward to serve the youth of Christ City Church each year.

The Lord has provided richly for this ministry, and as I thank Him for “every good gift and every perfect gift [that’s] from above, coming down from the Father of lights” (James 1:17a), I’d also like to thank and acknowledge the leaders He’s called to faithfully and lovingly serve the youth of our church. 

This is a big commitment both practically and spiritually, as it requires several hours of time serving each week, as well as a deep commitment to love the youth and intentionally model Christlikeness for them.

So, thank You, Lord, for Your rich provision, and thank you Youth Leaders for your sacrificial service. Please join me in giving thanks for their service and enjoy reading through the fun facts below to learn more about them. 

David Winfield, Director of Youth

  • Capri


    Attends at: Christ City East Vancouver

    Leads the: Grade 8/9 girls with Lydia and Trinity

    Tell us your hidden talent: I’m directionally inclined – able to navigate without the aid of a GPS

    Name a Bible character you identify with and why: Dorcas, because she has a heart for the poor and a funny name

    Tell us what you love about being a Youth Leader: I love Youth because it’s a space where we can freely reflect the love of Christ to those who know Him and are yet to know Him through the building of meaningful relationships and sharing the Gospel through God’s Word, all while having a great time (Ephesians 1:4)!

  • Eric


    Attends at: Christ City Kitsilano

    Leads the: Grade 9+ boys with Hans and Zach

    Tell us your hidden talent: I can juggle

    Name a Bible character you identify with and why: The Samaritan woman who Jesus meets at the well in John 4, because the acceptance she finds in Jesus is the same answer to my own deepest need and struggle.

    Tell us what you love about being a Youth Leader: I love being a youth leader because we get to see God grow fruit as we weekly talk about the gospel of Jesus Christ. Seeing these teens grow in faith and be baptized is a great joy!

  • Gabrielle


    Attends at: Christ City South Vancouver

    Leads the: Grade 6/7 girls with Jaqueline and Lauryn

    Tell us your hidden talent: Drawing with a brush and ink

    Name a Bible character you identify with and why: Paul the Apostle, because of the authenticity with which he expressed the human struggles we all face

    Tell us what you love about being a Youth Leader: I love being part of a community where I can help facilitate discussions about what it means to love Jesus as a young person today

  • Genevieve


    Attends at: Christ City South Vancouver

    Leads the: Grade 10/11/12 girls with Kylie

    Tell us your hidden talent: I used to make wedding cupcakes and desserts but haven’t pulled out the apron in a while 😉

    Name a Bible character you identify with and why: Jonah, because I love a good adventure!

    Tell us what you love about being a Youth Leader: I love getting to be a part of creating a space where youth can come to have fun and grow in their faith through learning, discussion and relationships.

  • Hans


    Attends at: Christ City South Vancouver

    Leads the: Grade 9+ boys with Eric and Zach

    Tell us your hidden talent: I’ve cut my own hair for 20+ years. Sorry barbers!

    Name a Bible character you identify with and why: Joseph (Old Testament), because God, in His goodness, has used trials in my life to both humble me and to reveal His power, love, and grace. I don’t have a cool coat though…

    Tell us what you love about being a Youth Leader: A front row seat to witnessing God at work in the lives of youth? Count me in!

  • Jaqueline


    Attends at: Christ City South Vancouver

    Leads the: Grade 6/7 girls with Gabrielle and Lauryn

    Tell us your hidden talent: I can whistle in 3 different ways

    Name a Bible character you identify with and why: Balaam’s donkey, because I love to talk when I’m given the chance 👀

    Tell us what you love about being a Youth Leader: Being able to foster an environment where the youth feel safe to ask any questions

  • Jesse


    Attends at: Christ City South Vancouver

    Leads the: Grade 6 boys with Joel

    Tell us your hidden talent: I am really great at taking super extended naps

    Name a Bible character you identify with and why: Lazarus (see previous answer as to why)

    Tell us what you love about being a Youth Leader: I love having the opportunity to give kids the most important thing they will need for the rest of their lives

  • Joel


    Attends at: Christ City South Vancouver

    Leads the: Grade 6 boys with Jesse

    Tell us your hidden talent: I can cook minute rice in under a minute

    Name a Bible character you identify with and why: Andrew, because I also like to fish

    Tell us what you love about being a Youth Leader: ⁠Seeing my youth boys so interested to talk about the message from that week

  • Josh


    Attends at: Christ City South Vancouver

    Leads the: Grade 7/8 boys with Nathaniel

    Tell us your hidden talent: I can speak three languages

    Name a Bible character you identify with and why: Joshua — pretty obvious?

    Tell us what you love about being a Youth Leader: I love seeing youth dive deeper into their faith!

  • Kylie


    Attends at: Christ City South Vancouver

    Leads the: Grade 10/11/12 girls with Genevieve

    Tell us your hidden talent: I can bike with no hands

    Name a Bible character you identify with and why: Zacchaeus, because he’s short

    Tell us what you love about being a Youth Leader: I love being able to connect with and encourage the youth, and of course playing all the youth games!

  • Lauryn


    Attends at: Christ City South Vancouver

    Leads the: Grade 6/7 girls with Gabrielle and Jaqueline

    Tell us your hidden talent: I can do a really good clucking chicken impression

    Name a Bible character you identify with and why: Timothy, because he has a timid character, but that doesn’t stop him from loving Jesus and wanting to follow wherever he leads!

    Tell us what you love about being a Youth Leader: I love building relationships with youth, getting the opportunity to peek into their lives once a week and encourage them in any and every part of life, and getting the chance to be a kid again with them

  • Lydia


    Attends at: Christ City East Vancouver

    Leads the: Grade 8/9 girls with Capri and Trinity

    Tell us your hidden talent: I can Irish dance

    Name a Bible character you identify with and why: Lydia in Acts, because she is described as a worshipper of God and even ran her own business like I do!

    Tell us what you love about being a Youth Leader: I love sharing my love for Jesus and mentoring those younger than me. I also find it so inspiring to watch as the youth learn about God and ask really good questions!

  • Mike


    Attends at: Christ City South Vancouver

    Leads the: Youth Foundations class

    Tell us your hidden talent: I can whittle (carve small figures/items out of wood)

    Name a Bible character you identify with and why: Peter, because he wins big then fails big. Eg: Matthew 16:15-23 He declares Jesus is Christ then tells him not fulfill his mission on Earth.

    Tell us what you love about being a Youth Leader: I like working with youth because of the energy and excitement they have.

  • Nathaniel


    Attends at: Christ City South Vancouver

    Leads the: Grade 7/8 boys with Josh

    Tell us your hidden talent: I play electric guitar!

    Name a Bible character you identify with and why: David, because I admire the courage he had in God to fight a giant

    Tell us what you love about being a Youth Leader: I enjoy talking with the kids about faith and the Bible

  • Sharlie


    Attends at: Christ City South Vancouver

    Leads the: Youth Foundations class and Sr. Youth Bible Study

    Tell us your hidden talent: voice impressions. It’s fun being able to make people laugh with impersonations.

    Name a Bible character you identify with and why: Jeremiah, because I read his calls to repentance personally as if he’s speaking directly to me! He reminds me of the seriousness of sin and idolatry and shows me marvelous glimpses of God’s great love for us, His mercy in offering forgiveness to us, and His longsuffering for us.

    Tell us what you love about being a Youth Leader: I love having the opportunity to encourage the youth as they seek out Truth and grow in their understanding of theology. I love to point them to Jesus and help them understand what it means to really live out the amazing truth of the Gospel.

  • Trinity


    Attends at: Christ City South Vancouver

    Leads the: Grade 8/9 girls with Capri and Lydia

    Tell us your hidden talent: acting and singing in musical theatre

    Name a Bible character you identify with and why: Moses, because God has called me to use my voice to bring him glory and make him known but I often doubt my ability rather than trusting in how God can work through me

    Tell us what you love about being a Youth Leader: I love spending time with the youth, getting to know them better and learning alongside them. It’s so encouraging being with so many people who share the same faith and values as me.

  • Zach


    Attends at: Christ City South Vancouver

    Leads the: Grade 9+ boys with Eric and Hans

    Tell us your hidden talent: My hidden talent is just that… hidden.

    Name a Bible character you identify with and why: The prodigal son, because the story has been very impactful in my faith

    Tell us what you love about being a Youth Leader: I really enjoy hanging out with the youth and helping them grow in their faith.