Oct 25

Meet our Ministry Residents (2023-2024)


Our Ministry Residency is a 1-year program designed for anyone who is in the process of discerning vocational
ministry and would like a practical insight into the operations of the church and dedicated time to build a ministry philosophy, develop competencies, and discern their calling.

We’re really excited to have these 5 join the team this year. Would you be praying for them as they discern their call and serve the Christ City Network of Neighbourhood Churches?

  • Jenn McDermott

    Jenn spent the first part of her life in Morocco as the kid of missionaries and the next in the Midwest of the U.S. After studying History at Gordon College, she spent 5 years in prayer ministry and mission work. This led her to Regent College, where she completed a MATS, concentrating in History of Christianity. She and her husband, Josiah, have two young boys and live in Vancouver. Jenn loves to be a part of the transforming work of the gospel in people’s lives and is excited to learn all she can as a resident of Christ City.

  • Garrett Offereins

    Garrett grew up in Abbotsford going to Northview Community Church and attended Mennonite Educational Institute (MEI) K-12. This is where the foundations of his faith were built, and at 17 years old he was baptized. He started attending Christ City Church Kitsilano in 2018 while pursuing his degree in Mechanical Engineering at UBC. Post graduation, he volunteered his skills with Engineering Ministries International (EMI) in Uganda, getting exposure to vocational ministry. Garrett currently works full-time at an engineering consulting firm as a Building Science Consultant and is looking to apply what he learns through the ministry residency in whatever capacity the Lord leads. His hobbies include hiking, skiing, hockey, pickleball, etc. etc. 

  • Andre Darbinian

    Andre was born in Vancouver and raised in White Rock. His parents were immigrants from the Soviet Union, and he grew up being exposed to a plethora of Christian denominations. After high school, he completed two degrees at the University of Toronto. In 2021, Andre got married and moved back to Vancouver where he currently works as a quarantine officer. As a ministry resident, Andre is excited to learn about how churches form a theological vision for their neighborhood. For pastimes, Andre loves music, films, sports, and books.

  • Rosemary Darbinian

    Rosemary immigrated to Canada as a child, and was raised in suburban GTA. Shortly after completing her graduate studies in public policy, she moved to Vancouver with her husband. Redeeming a season of discouraging employment, God generously gave her opportunities to bake and to work with refugees. Rosemary is praying that the ministry residency will be a place to discern her gifts to serve the church. In her spare time, Rosemary typically journals, cooks, and paints—if she can muster up the courage to set up some paintbrushes and paper.

  • Nina Prasad

    Born in the Philippines, Nina moved to Canada when she was two years old. She has lived in a number of places, including Calgary, Alberta where she received a bachelor’s degree in church ministry at Ambrose University in 2013. She moved to Vancouver in 2017, got married in 2019, and has attended Christ City since 2021. During her residency, Nina is looking forward to serving in the various ministries Christ City has as she discerns what God may be calling her to in the long term. Her free time is spent drawing and bookbinding.