Article by Brett Landry
Churches all around the world are joining their voices with one another in a global cry of prayer for an end to the war in Ukraine, and we are joining them. On Wednesday, March 2, 2022, we are joining this Global Day of Prayer to ask for an end to the hostility and the beginning of peace. We are asking you to get alone in prayer, to join with your family or your roommates, or get together with your Community Group and make your requests be known to God.
Prayer Guide
- Pray the attacks would stop and pray for a peaceful, diplomatic resolution to the war. (Remember, God hears your prayers: Psalm 65:2, 66:19, 86:7)
- Pray for Ukrainian Christians, that they would be kept safe, that they would be filled with courage, and that they would proclaim the good news of the gospel in word and deed. (Pray Psalm 62)
- Pray for the population of Ukraine who do not yet know Jesus, that they would encounter him through this trial. (Pray Matthew 9:36-38)
- Pray for global policy makers and diplomats, that they would have the wisdom to know how to bring a swift conclusion to all of this. (Pray Daniel 2:20-21)
- Pray for the hope of the gospel to fuel humanitarian efforts to protect the hundreds of thousands of displaced people. (Pray Matthew 5:13-16)
- Pray for the protection of the poor, the orphan, the widow, and the foreigner, some of whom are finding safe passage out of the war zones very difficult. (Deuteronomy 10:17-20)
- Pray for the church of Jesus Christ around the world, that we would stand for peace, that we would be faithful peacemakers, and that we would prioritize the love of neighbour where God has placed us, as a sign of his enduring goodness and kindness. (Pray Matthew 22:34-40)
Remember, we must always look for the signs of God’s grace in these times where we otherwise may be tempted to despair. He is at work – let’s trust him.
Prayer of Lament
O God, our loving Father, we come before you with heavy hearts today, in light of the invasion of Ukraine, and the pain and sorrow associated with all wars.
We lament the sin that leads to conflict and war.
We turn to you again, shocked at the way human beings turn their lust for power into hatred, and we ask for your help as we bear the weight of this news.
Have mercy upon us and teach us to love.
We cry out to you today, first, for the safety and protection of your people in Ukraine. We pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ, that their faith would remain steadfast in this trial, and that you would preserve them in the midst of this attack.
Save your people we pray.
We pray for those in Russia who call upon the name of Jesus, that they would remain faithful to you in spite of the actions of their leaders, and that they would honour you with their words and deeds.
Save your people we pray.
We ask for the witness of the church of Jesus Christ to be bold and loving in the midst of fear and uncertainty.
May your people know they can trust you.
We ask for the good news of the gospel to be clear and compelling, in word and deed, to all who are impacted by this war.
May the gospel be proclaimed with love.
Jesus, you are the King of all kings and Lord of all lords. We cry out to you today, second, for the safety and protection of all people in Ukraine. We pray that many would turn to you in their fear and that they would find deep comfort and security in your love, and in your saving work.
May many come to trust in you.
We ask for those who do not know you, that you would comfort them in their grief and mourning, and that they would know you are a refuge in their time of need.
Have mercy on the lost and bring them home.
Holy Spirit, you are the giver of all peace. We cry out to you today, third, for a quick and peaceful resolution to this conflict. We cannot yet comprehend how this will be resolved peacefully, but you are the God of peace, you are the God of justice, and you are the God of all comfort, therefore today we pray that you would bring this about.
We ask you to intervene on behalf of those who are suffering.
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, we trust you.
We ask for temporal peace, knowing full well that our eternal peace comes only through the cross of Christ.
We ask for mercy, knowing we have received mercy through Jesus’ death in our place.
We ask for comfort, knowing that you are the God of all comfort.
Have mercy upon us, grant us your peace, and make us your peacemakers.
God, we trust you.
We know you are at work.
In our pain, hear our prayer.
In Jesus’ name,
If you would like to support Ukraine with your finances, the Mennonite Central Committee has an established presence there and will provide resources such as psychosocial support and trauma healing, temporary emergency housing, emergency distributions of locally purchased emergency supplies such as blankets, and distribution of food packages. Click here to support Ukraine through MCC.