
Each year, we raise money for a ministry or cause as part of our Advent Giving Campaign.  

This year, we’ve decided to direct our Advent giving towards the Downtown East Side (DTES). You don’t have to live long in Vancouver to know that the DTES is a place of real darkness and brokenness, with people desperately in need of tangible expressions of Jesus’ love. We feel burdened as a Network of Churches that we need to serve the DTES. 

Heath Meikle has been working with Christ City for the past 3 ½ years as an Urban Chaplain – a minister located in the DTES, working every day alongside vulnerable and hurting people. In 2021, Heath moved into the neighbourhood to be an incarnational presence in the DTES and we have seen the fruit of his faithful ministry. Over the years, we have provided Heath with resources and support to carry out his ministry but this year, we wanted to invest in something more. 

That’s why, for the 2023 Advent Giving Campaign, we are going to raise money to pay for a rental space in the DTES – A physical location from which we can minister to the neighbourhood. We’re going to call this space an Urban Chapel – a place where the gospel can be proclaimed in word and deed.

The Urban Chapel will be used for: 

  • Bible Teaching/Studies and Prayer 
  • Hospitality and Community
  • Refuge and Sanctuary
  • Life Skill Workshops and a training facility 
  • And partnering to facilitate the work of other churches and ministries

The Advent Giving Campaign will run until 31st Dec 2023 and we are setting a goal of $150,000. 

Would you consider giving as we look to share Jesus’ love in tangible ways in our city?